ServoCenter MINI Features
All ServoCenter™ boards feature 16 servo channels per board, and allow independent and simultaneous control of each servo’s position, speed, and seek-time. MINI boards allow chaining of up to 16 boards for a total of 256 servos controlled via one USB port. ActiveX and Win32 DLLs allow for rapid, powerful program development, creating complex control applications easily. A simple, yet robust, serial protocol supports both ASCII and binary protocol modes.
On-board pads allow for external power or battery power. Additionally, all boards provide over-current and over-temperature protection. An on-board regulator supports both 4.8V/6.0V servo supply voltages. All boards feature a power switch and reset button.
ServoCenter™ MINI models provides a virtual COM port, allowing simple USB communication. By daisy-chaining USB boards, you can also make use of up to 256 digital I/O channels and 128 analog inputs. USB drivers are compatible with Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.
Up to 64 scene presets can be stored and loaded instantly, or cross-faded for smooth transitions. A built-in configurable smoothing algorithm provides for more natural movement. Scaled and percentage motion commands allow for max, min, and startup position for motion programming and complex calibration. The additional perk of absolute, timed, relative, and percentage position commands allow great flexibility. Servo group movement commands are available, as well as servo inversion and servo enable/disable commands.
Status LEDs provide feedback and troubleshooting assistance with 1 power LED and 2 flexible status LEDs. Digital I/O channels have configurable internal pull-up resistances, and provide power supply pins for connection to external digital I/O modules. Analog Input channels provide power supply pins for connection to external analog input modules, and can be read in either 8-bit or 10-bit resolutions.
Full Package Contents
Includes one MINI ServoCenter™ board, MINI USB cable, jumpers, and power supply. All manuals, programming guide, programming examples, drivers, and programming components are provided on CD.
Board Only Contents
Includes one MINI ServoCenter™ controller board. All manuals, programming guide, programming examples, drivers, and programming components available by download at no additional cost. Cable and/or power supply not included.
Board Size: 2.945″ x 1.7″ x 0.56″, 0.95 oz.